Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Breaking News! New Pin Distribution Method!

Alright so if you have ever been to a Disney Pin Release, you know these things can be hectic. People start queuing up hours in advance and wristbands can only be distributed 2 hours before the pin goes on sale officially. This means, if you have small children, work, or have any other commitments that would bar you from getting to the Pin store early in the morning, then you are out of luck.

However, today an announcement was made that, in order to make the process more fair for those who don't have flexible schedules, a new online wristband component will be tested out. Here are the details, direct from the Disney Pin Blog:

"we will be testing a new on-line wristband distribution process for select pin releases starting in 2010. This process will be facilitated via a link provided on DisneyPins.com. The purpose of this on-line process is to promote a fair, equitable and enjoyable experience for Guests visiting the Disneyland® Resort."

Although the statement only mentions Disneyland specifically, I would imagine that they will go ahead with beta testing at WDW at some point. This is a fairly exciting development, so stay tuned for more!

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